Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Emotional Battles

Training, some days are perfect.  You get out there and swim, bike or run and push yourself, finish and feel great, tired, and a little sore when you finish.  That is the way it should be.  You are getting stronger and more fit.  Prepping for the race.  Then there are the off days...those days when you get out there and just fall short or even worse - fail! 
I know that everyone has those days, but it doesn't help when it happens.  I don't know why, but it feel like I have been beaten up and knocked out!  It is more mentally challenging for me.  I know that physically, I can accomplish anything I set out to do!  But one bad workout and my mindset gets all out of whack!  That's what happened a week ago. 
I was swimming out at the Cove - it was a beautiful day and perfect conditions, and what do I do?  I have a panic attack 1/4 mile out! It's happened once before, and that was the worst.  This time I managed to swim back to shore - but it shook my confidence.  Now my whole mental game is off.   Add to that the general life stresses and I am having a hard time getting my grove back! 
Today at least I had a great spin class - now I need to carry that momentum forward....
I need to get back in the water and have some great and encouraging friends that are backing me, but I am still a bit unsure of my self.  It is something I have been successful at in the past, I just can't shake the feeling of failure!
Has anyone else felt that way?  What are some ways to help get past it that have worked for you?  I would love to hear!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

One step closer to IM

So it is official now!  I have 2 volunteer positions at IMAZ this fall.  I'll be doing body marking with my friend Rachel and working a run aid station towards the en of the run (this is the one I really wanted - cuz I know that I'll be out there then),  Thanks to Pattie K. who told me to make sure I get a "speedpass" position, I did and will get priority registration for the 2014 race!  Rachel and I have our room booked and are planning our trip.  It's going to happen! 

This means that the reality of my full Ironman is one step closer now!  It's funny that felling of excitement and nerves hit me after I signed up to volunteer.  This isn't even the race sign up yet!  I think that enormity of the Ironman hits me as it becomes more real and less the dream.  I know that the day I actually commit to the race will be a real mind bender! 

Since my boot camp ended, I have been kind of lazy - it has been nice.  But this week I am back at it and my body is noticing the change!  I need to get a real schedule down and work on some serious spin skills.  My cadence is way too slow.  I also know that right now my race times, lets just say are not compatible with the IM cut offs.  Obviously this could be an issue.  So I defiantly need to train to be faster! 

That said - I have over a year to ready myself and  I know I can do it! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Back to Self Motivation

Well, it's been over a week since my boot camp ended and I have managed one,,,just one workout and it wasn't stellar.  I need to figure out something to get me moving again.  I think that a run this morning couldn't hurt.  Plans to get to the pool this week too - I am missing the water! 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A long week

What a crazy week it was.  I can't believe that one week ago I was getting ready to run the Rock N Roll San Diego half marathon!   I checked on FB to see if any of my running buddies had planned on running but were not for whatever reason going to.  I said I would!  So, when I got home from my Saturday run, I found out that I was running the race on Sunday!   YAY ME! 

It was a very early morning and a fun course.  I got to hang with some friends and enjoyed the day.  It was my best half this year, although not my best ever.  I will say that I was again under trained and felt it all week.  I indulged myself by sleeping in on Monday and not going to the 7am Kaia boot camp class.  I went to the 6:45 class and boy was it tough.  In fact all the classes this week seemed harder and I was so tired.  My calves were tight and I was grateful for the stretching that  I we did in class. 

Today was the first day my body felt back to normal.  I have one more week if the boot camp and the my plan is to start back with some more intense tri specific training and continue with the strength training as well.  I really need it! 

I joined the Nike SF lottery again.  It would be great to get in,  this is the 10th year and I enjoy the weekend up in the Bay Area.  Plus it is one of my favorite races.  The only other thing that I want to sign up for is the volunteer spot at IM AZ.  With the cost of races being so high, I am going to be more selective on what I choose to register for.  Right now, Mike and I have nothing on the books.  I am working hard on training for "fun" for training it self....but for me without a race on the horizon, it is a challenge.  I believe that my Ironman goals are stronger than my desire to sleep in and lounge! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Feeling Good!

I am 3 weeks into my Kaia FIT boot camp - I am seeing a big difference in my body and feeling so much stronger.  I am wiped out each night - especially if I do a double!  Yes that's right two classes in one day.  Today we went back and did a class from the first week - it felt harder.  I don't know if I am tired or just my body is feeling all the work its been doing. 

Now I have been home for a bit and my energy level is up!  Much better than yesterday - I was so fatigued and had no drive at all!  I am looking forward to going in to my craft room and getting some real play time in today.  I may even enjoy the the pool. 

Later today, Mike and I have a mate date to go to the Botanical Gardens for a food and wine tasting.  Yum, can't wait! 

So, I need to find some new goal...once boot camp is over, I don't have any races or athletic commitments.  I am going to enter the Nike lottery with a friend, but there is no guarantee with that, and the race is in October.  Also I am planning on getting volunteer spot for IMAZ - but there is no running there!  Any suggestions?  I need some local races and maybe a few tris. 

What are some of the San Diego favorites?  I would love to hear what people like and why. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Moving slow this morning!

Good morning!  Well I survived another "double" Kaia FIT session yesterday!  The first at 7am and the second at 6:45pm.  Got home and took a nice hot, long shower, but it still took me a while to wind down.  I slept like the dead!  I am still moving very slow this morning and am procrastinating by playing on the Internet! :) I need to get on it and get my workout in!  But, there is still coffee in my cup, so it will have to wait just a bit more!
I think, I am going to get on my bike and see where it takes me...may not be far as it is on the trainer, so a spin session is probably what it will be!  Thanks to Spnervals, it won't be an easy one! I have a nice little collection of their DVD's but there is just one more I want...the IMAZ course DVD.  That's on my wish list!
Thankfully today is the last day of our "Game On" diet.  I am ready for a break.  It has been nice to loose some weight, but I am looking forward to eating a slightly more diverse selection of food!  Some of this is my own doing because there are a few "easy" foods that are my go to foods on this diet, and I have eaten allot of them!  Others, just are not on the approved list!  I have been craving popcorn with homemade butter and fresh parm cheese!  Oh the yummieness!! One more day! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013


I just don't know what happened, gained 3 lbs over night!  Yes I did have my diet day off and I ate some yummy things, but 3lbs!  UHG!  So, I guess that I can never eat off plan again!  Lucky me! 
That's ok,  I will have it all off by the end of our game on Wednesday!
Today, I am looking forward to just relaxing a bit more and finishing up the little project I started yesterday -transforming 2 ugly old mirrored sconces to a beautiful bronzed look.  We shall see what happens.  I say this so you know that I am giving my body a nice day off from working out!   It deserves it!  REALLY! :)
Yesterday I tracked 2 friends as they made their second Ironman race in Texas.  For one of them, this wasn't his race, and he had to call it during the bike.  This is a reality that I need to be ok with mentally, as not every race will be a great one! (I know this from my recent Safiri PArk -super bad race, just no energy.)  However, his wife, made a great finish and is now a 2 time Ironman!  It is so inspiring watching that!